1. The Objects of Ron Todd Foundation CIO a charitable incorporated organisation - Registered Charity number (TBC) . (“the Charity”)
The objects of the Charity are to:
“The prevention or relief of poverty and social injustice in England and Wales, by providing: grants, items and services to individuals in need and/or charities, or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty or social injustice”.
Under the terms of the Charity Constitution, the Trustees will apply funds at their discretion in support of those activities which help further the objects of the Charity.
2.Priorities for support
2.1 The number of projects which can be supported will be limited to the amount of funds available for distribution in any year. The Trustees will keep this under regular review.
2.2 The Trustees initial priorities will be to provide funding targeted at young people and families living with poverty.
2.3 The Trustees will review the funding priorities yearly (or more often if deemed appropriate by the Trustees), and the priorities may be changed to ensure the most effective application of available funds.
3. Funding criteria
When awarding funds, the Trustees will apply the following criteria to their decisions:
3.1 Applications from any geographical area within the UK will be eligible for consideration.
3.2 All applications will be considered by the Trustees on their own merits. Including applicants from previous recipients of funding or from previously unsuccessful applicants. Although the Trustees will have regard to the outcome of any previous application; any new application will in no way receive preferential or adverse consideration.
3.3 If appropriate, the Charity will consider funding in partnership with others, to fund initiatives beyond the financial scope of a single organisation.
3.4 The Trustees will not normally approve the use of the Charity’s funds for purposes for which the government has a statutory responsibility to provide. Nor will it approve the use of the Charity funds to support applications from large national charities i.e. those with an annual income of excess of £2million or with £2+ million assists or charities dedicated to issues deemed by the Trustees to be already well funded within the UK.
4. Grant application process
All applications can be made by email to solidarity@rontoddfoundation.org or by post to Ron Todd Foundation, Ron Todd House, 41 Lea Road. Abington. Northampton. NN1 4PE.
If you prefer to speak with a Trustee of the Ron Todd Foundation about our charity please feel free to do so. The Trustees are happy to receive initial requests for funding on an informal basis but might, at their discretion, require an applicant to provide further information by completing the Ron Todd Foundation Grant Application Form.
Grants will be considered by the Trustees at their quarterly meetings, and the Trustees will aim to write to all applicants informing them of the outcome of their application for funding within three months of the date of the application.
The Trustees will not be obliged to provide an explanation to the applicant should their application be unsuccessful.
5. Monitoring
5.1 It is the policy of the Trustees to monitor all grants made to ensure the Objects of the Charity are being fulfilled.
5.2 Grant recipients will be expected to provide a statement of how their Charity monies have been spent for the year. This will include an economic and social return of investment
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